Netsso FAQ

  • General

  • What is Netsso?

    Netsso is a new Internet-based system for managing your links on the Internet. By "links" we mean any place on the Web which has a url address- websites, even web pages, for example. You record your links in Netsso and later can retrieve them, from almost any Internet-connected computer, simply by double-clicking on the name of the link or on an icon which you might give it, and avoiding the need to remember and type in its web address, or, as is sometimes the case, your access username and password. Basically, once you sign in to Netsso, you can double-click to get to any other link. Call it a web-based SSO- Single Sign On system, for any destinations which have web addresses.

  • Is Netsso unique?

    There are some other products which offer SSO services, but they are based on engines which sit on a particular computer and they store data on that computer. So you can't access those data (your web links) from other computers, or over the web generally. In the last year or so a few other web-based services have arrived on the market, offering Netsso-type functionality--to some extent- but they do not work like Netsso. For example Netsso's system/ engine for "dialling" you into sites where your username and password must be entered is based on our specially written LoginPilot - which appears to be unique. Also, the Netsso user interface appears to be unique, placing the user's links- hundreds of them- on a "desktop"-style background. Links can be denoted by different icons and can be moved around in a drag/drop fashion. This is especially handy for "grouping" links, where groups can be created to suit the user's current objectives and priorities. The user can also give titles to his groups and different icons for groups or individual links, and he can add Notes, placing them beside relevant links or groups, and storing them online (and encrypted like all his other data). This can be very useful when doing web-research, for example

  • What does the name Netsso mean?

    Netsso stands for Internet ("Net") Single Sign On-SSO.

  • What can Netsso be used for?

    Netsso stores your web addresses online, making them accessible from (almost any) computer over the Internet. It enables you to customise how you want the addresses/ links stored, separating them into different "desktops" and/or groups. And it logs you in to these places, with simple clicking, avoiding the need to remember and enter addresses or passwords, etc. Netsso is suitable for storing contact information, addresses, short notes, etc. It automatically encrypts all of your data using your Master Password, and encryption/decryption is always on your local Netsso administrators can never see your data. So, its a customisable, secure store and retrieval system for important and useful data which you would like to have available to you whenever you need it...Data such as:

    • Your favourite web places
    • Your member numbers for various accounts, utilities and such objects
    • Your current web research sources
    • Contact information
    • Current activity data- such as flight/trip data, connections, numbers
    • Reminders, thoughts, things to do
    • For accessing your files and folders stored online
  • Who owns Netsso and where is the server based?

    Netsso is created, owned and operated by Herbert Street Technologies Ltd, an Irish company, based in Dublin, Ireland. It runs on a server based in Dublin, in a sophisticated and secure data center operated by Digiweb.

  • Are there charges for using Netsso?

    Free membership is available, with up to 100 links per member.Later Premium membership is available for a very small annual charge.

  • Is Netsso for individuals or organisations?

    Netsso stores a member's data and members are usually individuals. Version for teams and groups are available: J-Net(Joint Netsso).

  • Is Netsso similar to Open ID and how do they compare?

    No, not similar. OpenID is a system in which the user registers his identity with some website and gets a token which he can use to gain access to other websites, when they check his identity with the first one, basically. It only works with websites which support it, which is currently less than 1% of all websites. It means the user doesn't have to register, remember or enter different usernames/ passwords with those different websites. On the other hand he may have delays in logging in and in the authentication process. Also, its open to various types of security attacks and the general idea of using the same password for all sites is in itself insecure (because it means a lot more people know your single password). In Netsso, the user logs in with his username and password and afterwards can double click to any of his web places, including membership sites. In the background, Netsso "dials" him into these sites, using whatever passwords the user registered for those sites in Netsso-- i.e. normally complex and different passwords for different sites. The user does not have to remember or enter his different passwords- so the only advantage of OpenID is also available in Netsso. But in Netsso the user does not have to expose his privacy to security risks and, anyway, he can use Netsso to dial into most websites and use it to some extent with all sites. (In addition, Netsso has other features, such as Notes, etc)

  • Requirements

  • What Operating System does Netsso use?

    Netsso works in most major browsers and on many devices, although with some qualifications in some cases. Read more about them in the articles Operating systems, browsers supported and

    Supported browsers, platforms.

  • What browser do I need?

    For Simple Links, Login Memo Links and Notes you can use Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Opera. But for AutoLogin links, where Netsso actually "dials" you into web places where your membership credentials (username/ password) must be entered, Netsso only supports Intrenet Explorer, FireFox, Google Chrome.
    You can access Netsso from most computers using the above mentioned browsers. But please remember that to use the AutoLogin Links service you should install the Netsso LoginPilot, the latest version of which you can download from the Netsso site.

  • What browser settings are required and what other settings?

    Essentially, your browser must be tuned to accept javascript. To use AutoLogin function inside Internet Explorer you must allow using of safe ActiveX.

  • Security

  • Who can see my data in Netsso?

    Only the person who has your username and Master Password. And that does NOT include the administrators of Netsso. Netsso only stores a one way "hash" of your Master Password inside Netsso. It is a unique digest of your password, but it is one way- i.e. while the password will uniquely create the digest, the digest cannot be wound back to reveal the password. It is a well known cryptographic function. The Netsso administrator, if he tried to, could only see the hash.

  • How does the encryption work?

    Only the person who has your username and Master Password. And that does NOT include the administrators of Netsso. Netsso only stores a one way "hash" of your Master Password inside Netsso. It is a unique digest of your password, but it is one way- i.e. while the password will uniquely create the digest, the digest cannot be wound back to reveal the password. It is a well known cryptographic function. The Netsso administrator, if he tried to, could only see the hash.

  • What if I forget to log off Netsso?

    You should log off your Netsso if you are planning to leave your computer for a while, so that passers-by cannot attempt to steal your individual link passwords. In logging off, always click the "Logout" command, upper right side of the page, and especially if you are working from a public computer, such as in an internet cafe
    In case you forget to log off, Netsso itself will auto-lock after 30 minutes of non-use. To use it again you will be asked to enter your Master Password
    You can also lock it yourself from the menu Username/Lock your desktops command

  • Bookmarking

  • Why are there different types of Links?

    Netsso's "Simple Link" is similar to your Bookmarks or Favourites in other environments- i.e. urls/ addresses to web pages anywhere on the Internet. But some of these places do not give you access unless you can enter your "credentials" to authenticate yourself- i.e. normally your username and password. Links to such places are called AutoLogin Links in Netsso, and require Netsso to record your credentials for a particular web place, one time, and then later to dial you in there, as a background activity, when you double-click to go there. This is different technology, provided by the "Netsso LoginPilot", which you must install on your computer. (You can download the latest version from the Netsso site.) But a few websites use a much more complex entry routine, requiring the user to enter random data, rather than predictable data, for example. Netsso cannot be programmed to handle these automatically on your behalf. So, instead, it permits you to store whatever data is predictable for these sites, including your username and password, in the form of a "Login Memo", so that you always have it with you and you can copy/paste the data manually as required. Apart from those three types of link to urls, Netsso also enables you to store an online Note in similar fashion to making a link.

  • Can I share links with others?

    Yes. You can share links with other Netsso users securily. For non-members you can share "Simple" links via email message

  • Can I backup my links offline?

    Yes. From the Admin menu on your desktop you can choose to download all your links as an "offline copy", to your local computer. They stay on that computer in encrypted form, so you must enter your Master Password to temporarily decrypt and view them. We recommend that you do this occasionally, and especially after entering new links, as a backup routine.
    Please Note: You cannot add new links or modify existing data offline, with the objective of uploading the new file and replacing the former file inside Netsso. All editing in Netsso must be done online.

  • Can I "group" different links in some way in Netsso?

    Certainly. Your links sit on a "desktop" in Netsso each with different themes. You can decide to give each link its own icon and in that case each desktop will probably take 60+ links. Or you can create a sub-group on a desktop, giving it a title and an icon, and then create links without icons under that sub group title. In that case you'll fit c. 80+ links on a desktop.

    Also, you can move links, with or without icons around your desktop, by simple "drag and drop" and you can move them between desktops via the right-click context menus.  

  • Where do I get icons for my links?

    Netsso supplies you some icons to use as buttons on your links and also a choice of backgrounds to decorate your desktops. You can access these via the Desktops/ Edit Desktop or / Edit Link menus.

  • What to do if I can not create LoginLink for some site or this login link doesn't work after creation?

    We recommend that you make a "Login Memo" for that site. Click the Login Memo to bring you to the site and you may, in certain circumstances, achieve a login by clicking Open in the Login Memo. But, at least, you will have the credentials with you, to copy-paste. You will not have to remember the password.